



Meyer Services   /   Business


Direct Mail Services Fax Services
Web Site Marketing Research  
Mail Drop Remail Service
International Classified Ads Give your business an Israeli presence
The Israeli B2B Bulletin Just For Webmasters
Increase your sales by as much as 317% or more
by accepting credit cards at your web site.
An Internet Success Story
Yes, You Get Something For Nothing Smart Ways To Use A Website With Your Business
Smelling The Roses and Recharging Our Batteries! Essentials of Word of Mouth Marketing
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We can give your business a local,
Israeli presence

*  mailing address

*  fax number

*  we can act upon mail or faxes that you receive as per your instructions

Learn how to start & promote a business on the Internet


* Database management * Printing of form letters
* Label printing * Envelope stuffing
* Sending greeting cards for holidays * Mailing your catalogs or brochures
* Folder filling for conventions    

We are always interested in new business ideas. Please let us know what you have to offer.


*   Sending of individual faxes

*   Fax broadcasting

*   We can act upon faxes that you receive as per your instructions

Web Site Marketing

*   Listing to search engines

*   Listing to directories

*   Classified Ads

*   Links


*   Information gathering in Israel or Internationally

* General
* Business
* Industrial
* Genealogical
*   Locating international trade leads


We can provide a mail drop address in Israel.

You can use our P.O. Box or we can arrange a private box for your exclusive use. Mail forwarding from Jerusalem for post received here will be sent weekly by air mail to the address you designate. We can provide a street address if required, but we do NOT recommend this. The Israeli Post Office service is less reliable than we would like. Many private people here use PO boxes because of this.

As Meyer Services does not make any requirement for the disclosure of the contents of your mail, any items sent through our service must be your sole responsibility and cannot be covered by our insurance policies.

If you have any questions or are in need of some other service, please let us know.

Remail Service

We can remail your letters, postcards or packages from Jerusalem, Israel for you.

We can supply picture postcards if required.

Let us know your requirements and we will be happy to make a price quote.

If you have any questions or are in need of some other service, please let us know - we try very hard to be flexible in order to meet the needs of each individual client.

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How to contact us:

E-MAIL   meyersrv@netvision.net.il

38 Lipsky Street, Jerusalem, Israel MAIL   P.O. Box 23091, Jerusalem, Israel

TELEPHONE   972-2-5862017 FAX   972-2-5862695

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